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Behavioral Health Management Programs

In this growing age of ehealth, behavioral health management programs allow professionals and practitioners continue to develop new ways to leverage technology to provide services to those needing expert care. Telecounseling offers an increasing number of opportunities for behavioral health professionals to develop successful private practices, even while working from a home office.

Cardeum is expert at designing and implementing behavioral health management programs that improve outcomes and reduce costs.

Telecounseling offers behavioral health patients a compassionate, easily accessible alternative to face-to-face treatment. Using telehealth to support behavioral health management programs in the mental health sector offers a way to improve access to care for people who live in remote areas or who, because of illness or mobility problems, can’t leave home. The practice also enhances psychological services by allowing psychologists to support clients between visits. Medicare, Medicaid, and other third-party reimbursement are available for psychologists who deliver such services via telehealth-based behavioral health management programs and follow specific guidelines.

Partnering to Improve Behavioral Health Management Programs

A 2009 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey found that less than one-quarter of the estimated 45 million American adults who have a mental illness received treatment. One major reason for the low number: stigma and embarrassment about making contact with a therapist. The privacy that telehealth-based behavioral health management programs offer can be a viable alternative for those needing help. Partnering with Cardeum allows counselors and behavioral health psychologists to:

  • Improve relationships and contacts with clients
  • Provide needed assistance in a comfortable, familiar environment
  • Differentiate their services within the market

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