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Diabetes Management Programs

Technology can play an enormous role in diabetes management programs related to patient education, problem solving, and monitoring. A person newly diagnosed with diabetes must learn approximately 150 different tasks in order to reach disease self-management. That competency cannot be achieved during a brief hospital stay or during a brief educational session.

Cardeum has successfully designed and implemented diabetes management programs that have resulted in improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

An ongoing monitoring and ehealth program, like telehealth, can affect significant improvement and compliance from the patient.  Cardeum’s diabetes management programs support patients with home diagnostics for monitoring of their disease, but, more important, management, prevention, and lifestyle changes advised by their team of medical professionals.

Our programs are designed to improve the care of people with diabetes while simplifying the healthcare provider’s role in patient management. Our diabetes management programs eliminate the need for log books and provide daily remote monitoring of blood glucose readings to help healthcare providers improve patients’ glycemic control, prevent or delay complications, and reduce potential health risks by addressing warning signs early. Our diabetes management programs have seen significant improvement for patient populations and includes:

  • An ehealth device in the home
  • Daily monitoring of vital signs
  • Individualized coaching
  • Timely patient education
  • Medication compliance assistance
  • A specialized clinical team trained in chronic disease management

The Cardeum program addresses the reasons self-management of the disease fails.

Managing Diabetes

Self-management of any chronic disease is the ultimate goal and benchmark for success.  The ongoing contact with a professional who is knowledgeable and interested in encouraging and coaching the individual with diabetes is the most valuable benefit of a well-designed diabetes management programs. More frequent contacts are possible and can be made more economically using ehealth. Through education, coaching, and medical monitoring program design and implementation, Cardeum can work with employees, patients, and the at-risk population to manage and prevent health issues related to diabetes. Examples of diabetes management tools include:

  • Diet compliance
  • Smart meal planning/smart snacks
  • Medication compliance
  • Start and/or stay on an exercise program
  • Decrease or stop smoking

Cardeum’s diabetes management programs not only supports patients with home diagnostics for monitoring of their disease, but also – and more important – the management, prevention, and lifestyle changes advised by our team of medical professionals.

Who Would Benefit from a Diabetes Management Program?

Participants would benefit from a diabetes management program if they:

  • Are 30 pounds or more overweight
  • Have a sedentary lifestyle
  • Have diabetes
  • Have multiple risk factors and an elevated fasting blood glucose
  • Had gestational diabetes and are now experiencing unstable blood glucose levels
  • Have a known history of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes that is uncontrolled

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