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Implementing Telehealth Solutions That Save Money, Resources, and Lives

By 2020, it is expected that half of the U.S. population will suffer from chronic disease and that the management of these conditions will represent 78% of healthcare spending, including indirect costs. This is a huge burden to healthcare providers, who are now being incentivized to reduce hospital readmissions.

Fortunately, Cardeum has extensive expertise in implementing telehealth and remote patient monitoring solutions and can help you identify the right technology partner, develop an implementation plan and schedule, and get up and running as quickly as possible. We can even oversee your implementation, if needed.

Who Benefits from Telehealth Monitoring?

Individuals who benefit from telemonitoring and remote patient monitoring technology include those with conditions such as:

  • Behavioral health issues
  • Congestive heart failure (CHF)
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome

A proactive telemonitoring program has been proven to cut the cost of care for providers and employers as well as increase patient compliance and satisfaction.

Results that Matter

Our approach works to assess the needs of your facility, system or business, and then customize a remote patient monitoring program that best meets those needs, resulting in:

  • Reduced costs of insuring clients
  • A healthier workforce
  • Reduced readmissions
  • Timely, more accurate patient information
  • Reduced costs in service provision
  • And better control of medications and disease management

Cardeum provides full-circle service – and that makes us unique. Our experience runs deeps and encompasses the following:

  • Remote patient monitoring programs
  • Development of URAC-accredited health call centers
  • Patient triage programs
  • Private labeling initiatives
  • Patient education programs
  • Collaboration between technology vendors and healthcare providers
  • Population health management programs

How can your company, clients, patients, and employees benefit from telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and disease management programs and services? Contact us today to explore the benefits of telemonitoring for your business or organization and how Cardeum can help you achieve your goals.

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