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Patient Satisfaction

Heavy emphasis is now placed on patient satisfaction, as well as the overall well-being of patients. Reductions in hospitalizations, education, and management for chronic conditions all play a large role in increasing quality of life and are key components of the Cardeum program.

Cardeum knows what works with your clients and patients. Through education, designing and implementing remote patient monitoring programs, and providing tools for change, Cardeum can help your organization enable patients to sustain better health and improve chronic disease management – which leads to ongoing improvements in patient satisfaction.

Disease specific education, combined with behavioral health coaching, enables the patient to see how their choices and lifestyle are impacting their health and well-being. This is a timely learning opportunity that empowers patients and allows them to become more engaged and understand how they can contribute to their own well-being.

Improving Patient Satisfaction Through Remote Patient Monitoring

We can help you customize a remote patient monitoring system that:

  • Improves self-management and fosters a sense of responsibility for the patient;
  • Improves quality of life, physical function, and safety;
  • Reduces costly emergency care and hospitalizations; and
  • Allows patients to receive clinical support and care interventions in the comfort of home.

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