As healthcare organizations grow, they become more intricate, expanding their search for resources beyond the confines of their practices, and partnering with firms and professionals dedicated to supporting their operations. This, of course, is done out of necessity. Stretched too thin, organizations begin to fail. Collaboration, on the other hand, allows organizations to focus on their responsibilities while permitting trusted and experienced partners to relieve some of their burden. In doing so, organizations can greatly increase their performance, reduce the likelihood of patient safety incidents, and establish an environment that instills the values of cooperation and progress.

Within the healthcare industry, it is especially useful to collaborate, as advancements in technologies, information, and computer systems are constantly evolving. Partnering with telemonitoring professionals, for instance, ensures that organizations remain at the cutting edge of health practices, delivery systems, and communications.

By design, remote patient monitoring is malleable, able to be shaped around the needs of the organizations it supports. If an organization wishes to improve its doctor-patient relationships, telehealth can be implemented to allow doctors to virtually visit dozens of patients without the need to physically leave their offices. If an employer is looking to better manage its high-risk employees, telemonitoring partners can develop disease management programs that include personalized coaching and education for those battling chronic conditions. If a home health agency is experiencing a high rate of hospitalizations, telemonitoring can provide the tools necessary to monitor patients, identify early warning signs, and take action when needed.

Here are some of the ways a valued remote patient monitoring partner can greatly assist an organization:

  1. Private Labeling: This allows organizations to market their remote patient monitoring services as their own, further strengthening their brand and building trust in their patients.
  2. Cost Savings: Telemonitoring partnering can greatly reduce costs for healthcare organizations, patients, and employers alike.
  3. Reduced Hospitalizations: The combination of increased staff and patient education, disease management strategies, and improvements in patient safety outcomes greatly reduces the need for hospitalization as well as the risks associate with hospital-acquired illnesses.
  4. Corporate Wellness: Including remote patient monitoring of high-risk employees in corporate wellness programs is the best way to ensure that employees remain healthy and happy, which, in turn, boosts workplace morale, increases productivity, and limits the amount of workplace absences due to illness.
  5. Health Call Centers: Provided through a telemonitoring partnership, health call centers are an extension of an organization’s patient outreach. These centers provide 24/7 clinical services to organizations and patients treated remotely.